
3 Is there anything about your house that you would like to changeWell it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours


雅思口语对话范文2 Which room do you like most in your house WhyMy favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden and its on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun


雅思口语对话范例,我觉得看完这两段,你一定会惊叹于外国人描述一个事件的时候的详细程度。 Monday morning five years ago 之类的一些时间的使用,so that 对原因的解释和对情况的描述,had volunteered to drive us 之类的表达可能在很多同学这里就被精简成为 my friend would drive us to the airport 所以,在平时备考的过程中,让自己成为一个“话唠”,非常的有必要。


雅思口语范文100篇part2,另外,也可以在关注我之后,私信回复「资料」,就可以获取一份雅思口语考试的评分范例,里面就包含了Part 13的全部的官方口语考试从4分到8分的口语范例,让你清晰地知道自己的水平在哪里、以及该怎么去提升!


雅思口语教案,第二种回答方式是 Firstly secondly finally 的方式,在询问你原因之类的问题的时候,你可以先说有三种原因,即便你没想好有哪三种,反正先给个逻辑出来,然后再一二三地接你的话,你的回答会非常的完整。


雅思口语part2有趣的谈话,利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。


雅思口语试讲,把自己的情绪描述得很详细,有明确的先后的过程,有 because 之类的解释,有对复杂情感的交织的描述,有用词组 a sense of panic 来替代 I feel 的简单表达。


雅思口语例句,3 Is there anything about your house that you would like to changeWell it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours

3 What do you do when you have some free time and youre at homeI usually sit and watch some TV or a film or I listen to some music I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice

2 Do you prefer to spend your free time at home or outside the houseDuring the day I prefer to be out of the house so I like visiting family or meeting up with friends But I do like relaxing at home in the evenings

I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside Then when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time


雅思口语对话范文 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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