Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays Why
雅思口语part1回答技巧3 What do you do when you have some free time and youre at home I usually sit and watch some TV or a film or I listen to some music I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice
雅思口语part1必考话题,大家记住,千万不要忽视part 给考官留下非常好的印象在雅思口语考试中是非常重要的,其实你开口说几句,考官大概就知道你大概在什么分数水准了,所以大家千万要重视part 1这个导入部分,part 1并不需要你花很长的时间进行苦思冥想地去背答案,大家只要记住这几个拓展自己思路的技巧,加以训练,就可以轻松拿下part 1。
雅思口语part1会问几个问题,Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry You should say what you were doing when this was why you had to hurry and explain how you felt at that time I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job
雅思口语part3怎么准备,其实很多问题都可以说说自己为什么这样做或是选择,像例子中回答喜欢羽毛球,你有很多原因可以说,比如in order to keep fit,羽毛球的好处,for weekends and the like 这样一拓展就可以说几句了,但是呢,part 1 不需要你滔滔不绝,需要的是你精炼的用句子把所有信息可以串起来。
雅思口语part1一个问题回答多久,Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays Why
总结:上面的 Part 1 的回答方式,都是在拓展,在回答问题之后,无论是举例、转折还是解释原因,都是为了让自己不要一句话说完,用 23 句来回答问题。保持这样的回答问题的长度,保持这样的思维模式,让每次回答问题的时候都自由灵活地切换你的回答拓展方式就行!
也就是说,在第二部分的准备的过程中,就一定要有一些闪光的想法或者是词汇,例如说你的外语能力,你可以说是 bilingual skills ,这样偶尔跳出来一些很漂亮的、同时是正确使用的词汇,会给你很多的加分,准备话题的过程中,就要时常用一些高级搭配。
把自己的情绪描述得很详细,有明确的先后的过程,有 because 之类的解释,有对复杂情感的交织的描述,有用词组 a sense of panic 来替代 I feel 的简单表达。
雅思口语part1回答技巧answer Yes there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking explain I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular and they must be very profitable example A good example is Who wants to be a millionaire which has been sold to TV channels across the world alternative Personally Im not a fan of game shows and Id much rather watch a film or an original drama series
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