1 How much time do you spend at homeObviously I sleep at home but I dont spend very much time at home during the day because Im usually busy with work
雅思口语内容I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside Then when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time
雅思口语内容重要吗,接着来看看 simon 老师给出的参考答案,simon 老师并没有指出这里面的套路,但是这毕竟是外国人的思维方式,对我们而言我们要去熟悉这样的思维方式,也就是我们常见的口语套路——
雅思口语内容和题型,利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。
雅思口语内容美丽的天空,好啦,本期的推送就到这里为止。感谢 simon 老师的伟大的无私奉献,能够成为我们今天来讲解的一个非常好的素材。口语的话,其实关键就是多练习,流利度永远是第一名的所在。不过,掌握好答题的套路,能够让你的回答更加有逻辑,能够给考官更加深刻的印象!
雅思口语内容评分标准细则,2 Which room do you like most in your house WhyMy favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden and its on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun
雅思口语内容矛盾会不会扣分,1 How much time do you spend at homeObviously I sleep at home but I dont spend very much time at home during the day because Im usually busy with work
1 Do you live in a house or an apartmentI live in a semidetached house with three bedrooms and a small garden
雅思口语内容暂时就分享这么多经验,最终在考场上我依旧非常紧张,甚至在Part II的时候感觉史无前例的不知道该说什么,在Part III的时候有单词没听出啥意思(当然这个是可以问考官的),不过最终还是挺过来了,至少不会像以前那样频繁打磕巴。最终的成绩也令我满意,比一个月前提高了15分。
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