
What if you decide a paragraph should be developed in indirect order It may be that the point you’re making is very controversial so much so that your readers might disagree with you Or you may feel that leading the readers through a series of supporting details might make comprehension of the main idea easier letting them “warm up” before learning your message Sometimes building up slowly to a main idea can be used as a dramatic tool as well keeping readers guessing until the last instant In these situations it may be best to place the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph 中心句






雅思阅读解题技巧,然而现实确是残酷的,大家可能注意到在雅思阅读真题中,存在很多段落找不到Topic Sentence的情况(上述第5种情况),这时候就需要大家通读整个段落来找出答案。


雅思阅读模拟题,This is not the only place the topic sentence can go however Many times the topic of a paragraph may be introduced after a transitional sentence 中心句 The transitional sentence guides the reader through a shift in thought pointing back to the previous idea and forward to a new one That new idea becomes the topic sentence of the new paragraph and is followed as before by supporting and clarifying details




雅思阅读单选题技巧,5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know


雅思听力选择题蒙题技巧,What if you decide a paragraph should be developed in indirect order It may be that the point you’re making is very controversial so much so that your readers might disagree with you Or you may feel that leading the readers through a series of supporting details might make comprehension of the main idea easier letting them “warm up” before learning your message Sometimes building up slowly to a main idea can be used as a dramatic tool as well keeping readers guessing until the last instant In these situations it may be best to place the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph 中心句

追根溯源,最关键的因素就是考生对FALSE和NOT GIVEN的定义不理解。从两者的基本定义来讲,FALSE是指题目和原文相反或矛盾;而NOT GIVEN则指题干部分信息在原文没有提及,或根据原文无法推测出该信息。


雅思阅读考试中,“段落标题配对题”(Matching headings)由于选项数目大大多于文章中段落的数目,且需要花费大量时间理解段落,无疑是很多人的噩梦。


雅思阅读判断题蒙题技巧 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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