
利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。


雅思视频通话口语怎么样总结:上面的 Part 1 的回答方式,都是在拓展,在回答问题之后,无论是举例、转折还是解释原因,都是为了让自己不要一句话说完,用 23 句来回答问题。保持这样的回答问题的长度,保持这样的思维模式,让每次回答问题的时候都自由灵活地切换你的回答拓展方式就行!


雅思口语视频通话考试好吗,其实这是一句“套路话”。一开始的时候你可以准备那么一两句话作为开场白,你可以讲的很顺,然后自然而然地引出话题。上面的这个格式是 ok 的,或者说用 When it comes to this topic I would like to talk about 之类的套路。


雅思视频通话口试和现场对话口是哪个更好一些?,Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry You should say what you were doing when this was why you had to hurry and explain how you felt at that time I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job


雅思口语视频和现场哪个好,It was a Monday morning about five years ago A group of us had to catch an early flight and a senior member of our department had volunteered to drive us to the airport I was supposed to be ready and waiting to be picked up from my home at 530am and my colleague had asked me to look out for his car so that he didn’t have to ring my doorbellThe problem was that I overslept I had set my alarm but somehow I must have turned it off and carried on sleeping Suddenly at 530am my doorbell rang and I looked over at my alarm clock I immediately realised what had happened and I sprang out of bed and got dressed in record time I splashed some water on my face quickly brushed my teeth and put my shoes on without properly tying the laces Then I picked up my suitcase and coat and left the house


雅思视频通话和现场对话,也就是说,在第二部分的准备的过程中,就一定要有一些闪光的想法或者是词汇,例如说你的外语能力,你可以说是 bilingual skills ,这样偶尔跳出来一些很漂亮的、同时是正确使用的词汇,会给你很多的加分,准备话题的过程中,就要时常用一些高级搭配。


雅思考试视频口语,利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。


雅思机考视频通话,4 Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the future No not really I get bored if Im at home for too long In the future I imagine Ill still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors

2 Do you prefer to spend your free time at home or outside the house During the day I prefer to be out of the house so I like visiting family or meeting up with friends But I do like relaxing at home in the evenings

雅思视频通话口语怎么样这是 simon 老师给出的套路,其实和上面的第一部分的答题的方式是类似的,只是第三部分可以回答得更长一些,内容更加有深度一些,好比你第一部分只是加了解释 becasue 或者 so that 的表达,然后回答就结束了,但是第三部分你最好再接一个 example 来佐证你的“理论”。

雅思视频通话口语怎么样 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/


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