资源介绍:Cocomelon早教英文儿歌MP3总计422首Cocomelon 旗下总结11个大类的英文儿歌Alphabet ABC Phonics Series (From A to Z) - 字母ABCabc lower case alphabet playlist - abc小写字母Color Songs - 颜色歌曲Fing
资源介绍:英文章节书精读材料A Wrinkle In Time & Holes & Sarah Plain and tall等小说精读材料PDF源文件每份英文小说精读材料PDF大概64页16本小说精读材料目录:A Wrinkle In TimeHolesSarah Plain and TallWh
资源介绍:学乐数学英文版几何练习册Origami Math Grade4-Grade6Origami Math Easy-to-Make Reproducible Activities that Build Concepts, Skills, and Vocabulary in Geometry, Fractions, Measurement, and More (G
资源介绍:2-5岁低幼英语启蒙绘本Pip and Posy 高清PDF+MP3音频7册绘本目录:Pip and Posy: The Big BalloonPip and Posy: The Little PuddlePip and Posy: The Super ScooterPip and Posy: The Scary MonsterPip and Po
资源介绍:适合一年级的有关太阳系的英文读物高清PDF源文件Chapter 1 The Mysterious Movement of the Moon . 2Chapter 2 What Causes Night and Day? . 6Chapter 3 Longer and Shorter Times of Daylight . 12Chapter