




1.Assemble your materials组装您的材料   

Collect your records in school, your resume and any recommendation you received. Think about what achievements are relevant to your course or course and determine the most important priorities. For example, when applying for a study of medicine, your outstanding performance in science may exceed your ping experience.






2.Learn more about the organization了解组织

Consult a university or organization website. Read the "About Us" section, which has a description of who they are and what they do. You will get important information about the organization. Use it to match your own experience and goals. The tone of the site will also help you determine how your article should sound.



4.Make a claim about yourself关于你自己

Explain why you are fit for this organization. What skills and achievements make you a strong candidate? To be as specific as possible. Not only explain what you do, but also stressed that this is now with your application of the organization's association.



5.Outline your statement罗列大纲

Order your statement clearly, with an introduction, examples, a conclusion, and transitions between paragraphs.So that readers can easily understand your statement. Each paragraph should focus on one skill or achievement and include examples.



6.Write an impressive opening写一个印象深刻的开场白

As with any other writing, you need to draw the reader's attention. A compelling personal story can be an effective start. Let your story lead to discuss how you are interested in the areas you are pursuing. You can also write a person you admire in the industry or organization.





7.Convey your knowledge传达你的知识

Mention the research and expertise you have completed, whether from course, reading or personal experience. Even if you have not worked in the field of your choice, you have valuable opinions and opinions.



8.Edit and proofread your statement编辑和校对您的声明

Check your work for details. Make sure your grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct. When you think your statement is perfect, you still need to have a friend check again. There is no room for error in your personal statement.


